Welcome to the landing page of my website! Thank you for visiting. Here I plan to keep my resume,
video portfolio, and information about projects I am working on in my spare time. This site is also an excuse to get awebsite and learn HTML/CSS
Please note that much of this site is STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION so some pages stil have a 404 error. Please let me know if you find any obvious bugs in the site (contact me!)
Thank you for being understanding.
I have long been a proponent of Free Software and a suppourter of the GNU/Linux operating system, if you go to this page you can read about why I use GNU, what software I use, and recommendations for new users
My blog section is the place where I put my general ideas and thoughts on the world,be them political or computational, and also projects which I am working on and/or have completed. Check it out and feel free to give me feedback via email!